What Infertility Grief Feels Like.

What Infertility Grief Feels Like.

I know what grieving feels like.  That feeling of deep, deep sadness.  Constant crying until you run out of tears.  Anger. Emptiness. Guilt. Worry. Helplessness. Hopelessness.  That pain in your gut you just can’t explain. I honestly just thought I was really f*cking sad.  The kind of sadness you feel in your bones.  The kind of sadness that brings unpredictable tears that you never see coming.  The kind of sadness that makes it hard for you to be happy for people you love.  The kind of sadness that is so deep it feels like it's a part of you. A physiological sadness, if you will.

Valuable Lessons I Learned About Infertility, I Wish I Knew Early On.

Valuable Lessons I Learned About Infertility, I Wish I Knew Early On.

There are many lessons I have learned on my journey through infertility, and many of them I had to learn the hard way. I had no idea how hard this would really be, and when you are feeling alone in the process you tend to question your feelings. Am I the only want who feels this way? Am I a bad person for my feelings?



Infertility, you have changed me. I used to be that girl who would plaster Social Media with anything good that would happen.  Like, when I first got engaged, or the five different albums of our wedding, and you all remember the photos of the flowers my husband gave me every month. I didn't think about the people out there that were dying to find love and might be sad by seeing things like that.  Some of those people were my dear friends.  Well, I'm so incredibly sorry.  I was an Asshole.